After watching Banks in an interview, Diamondbacks CEO Derrick Hall sent him an email congratulating him for having his wrongful rape conviction overturned. Hall also offered him a job.

“I about fell out of my seat,” he told ESPN.
Banks said that he has been unable to find steady work since he was released from prison last year.
“I’ve been unemployed since I’ve been out,” he said. “I’ve had one real job, working in a warehouse. I’ve had to live with my mom, then with my girlfriend, and for the past seven or eight months with my brother, to survive.”
Well, Banks has more job prospects than a millionaire’s son at a Harvard Business School alumni banquet right now. The Seattle Seahawks are extending him a tryout, in addition to several other NFL teams.
If an NFL squad doesn’t pick Banks up, Hall says there is a job in Arizona waiting for him.
“I’m so happy for him that he at least had the truth revealed and that he can start over,” Hall said. “If we can be a part of that and it makes sense for him and for us, I’d be glad to offer that to him.
“He has to chase his (NFL) dream first. If he comes back to me and says, ‘That didn’t work out, are you still willing to have me come out?’ Absolutely, we are.”
Banks was wrongfully convicted of raping and kidnapping a girl he made out with in a high school stairwell in 2006. He served over five years in prison and was released last year. His conviction was overturned after the woman who falsely accused him of the rape friended him on Facebook saying, “Let’s let bygones be bygones.” Banks hired a private investigator who set up a meeting between himself and the woman and video-recorded it. She admitted to lying about the rape and the kidnapping.
Banks plans to sue the state of California for his conviction.
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