Chelsea Harris of Arkansas has been charged with third degree battery for allegedly sitting on her landlord son’s head, Action News 5.
Harris reportedly went ballistic when the landlord’s son, Kellen Carroll, knocked on the door of her duplex apartment requesting that she pay nearly three months in backrent. According to police reports, Harris allegedly began cursing Carroll, then pushed him into his parked truck and onto the ground. Harris, whom Carroll describes as a “very large woman,” then pushed his face on the ground and tried to choke him.Neighbors told police that, at some point during the battle, Harris tried to take Carroll’s truck. When the defeated Carroll tried to call for help, it was at this point that Harris sat directly on his face.
Luckily, Carroll was able to break free from Harris’ face-sitting tactic and hightailed it to the St. Francis County Sheriff’s office to report the incident.
Carroll’s father told the television station that she probably used prison corrections officer defense techniques on his son. A neighbor told Action News 5 that Harris works as a prison guard. The unidentified neighbor also said that Harris became enraged when Carroll entered her home while her child was there. Usually, Harris’ child is not present at the home.
Carroll sustained cuts and bruises and went to a nearby hospital emergency room for treatment. Harris was released from jail after spending the night behind bars.
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