Nicholas Read, 41, flashed at a student on a train to Manchester and took a picture of her horrified friend using a mobile phone.
At the time of the offence the 4ft 5in star had just enrolled on a sex offenders’ treatment programme for a similar crime.

Facing jail: Star Wars act Nicholas Read (left, pictured arriving at Leicester Crown Court in July 2011) who played an Ewok in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi (stock image)
He admitted exposure on January 21, at a Manchester Crown Court plea hearing.
The court heard that back in October 2010, Read sat next to a schoolgirl on a London to Leicester train and performed a sex act under a juggler’s hat for half an hour.
His latest offence puts him in breach of the 20-week suspended sentence he was given for that offence.

Repeat offender: Nicholas Read, 41, (left) flashed at a student on a train to Manchester and took a picture of her horrified pal using a mobile phone (file picture)
Judge Roger Thomas QC, warned him: 'The bottom line is you are in breach of a suspended sentence.
'The normal consequence of that is to prison you go and that may well have to be the outcome.
'But this is an unusual sort of case and the judge will be informed by the Probation Service about what’s been going on over the last 12 months, and what sort of risk you pose hereafter.'
The judge refused a request by Rachel Faux, defending, for a psychiatric report to be prepared on Read, saying there was 'very little' evidence of mental illness in his case.

Roles: Read played a goblin in the film Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, starring Daniel Radcliffe, right (stock image)
Read is barred from using the rail network except for the purposes of attending court or visiting his solicitor.
He was ordered to sign the sex offenders’ register on the date of his last conviction for exposure.
Read, of Wade Close, Cheadle, Staffordshire, has a number of sex offences on a criminal record dating back to 1995.
He has previously been convicted of making lewd phone calls to women.
Read more: dailymail
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