After busting Gray on the bogus charge, he later boasted that he had “fried another n—-r.” Daragjati, 33, has been jailed since last October. He pleaded guilty to extortion and civil-rights violation crimes in January.

Here is how to the racist arrest of Gray and subsequent bust of Daragjati went down, according to The Post:
On April 15, 2011, Daragjati falsely busted Kenrick Gray, 32, on a charge of resisting arrest after they exchanged angry words on the street while the officer was on plainclothes patrol.
After Gray’s arrest, FBI agents caught Daragjati on a recorded phone call bragging that he “fried another n—-r.” Gray spent two days in jail.
He is now suing Daragjati, who was sentenced yesterday to nine months in prison for violating Gray’s civil rights.
Daragjati was sentenced to another 48 months for a March 2011 incident, in which the off-duty cop and a group of buddies assaulted and threatened a man they accused of stealing Daragjati’s snowplow.
“You don’t take the law into your own hands. It’s pretty basic,” Assistant US Attorney Paul Tuchman said at yesterday’s sentencing.
“He should know better. He’s a police officer.”
But Daragjati, in fact, proved he didn’t know better when he wrote a letter to the African-American judge justifying why he used the N-word.
“I did not use the word out of racist motivation, but instead as part of the culture I was accustomed to . . . It was used as an ignorant reference to those people on the street because of their disrespect for the community and members of law enforcement,” he said in his letter.
WATCH DARAGJATI’S Family Make Excuses For His Racism
Brooklyn Federal Judge William Kuntz, a Black man with years of experience on New York City’s Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB), was unmoved. He read the ex-cop’s letter in court and said, “My goodness, sir, you just made the worst argument that a police officer could make.”
According to the New York Daily News, Daragjati also tried to earn points with the judge by saying his time in jail taught him a thing or two about racism.
“People don’t like the cops,” he said. “This stop and frisk nonsense goes on. …I just spent eight months in prison with 120 males and I’ve heard their stories. These people should hate me and rightfully so. I’ve opened my eyes to things I’ve never seen before.”
Yeah, right.
Daragjati has been accused of racism in the past. He was the subject of three civil rights lawsuits and a CCRB complaint, in which a Black man claims Daragjati told him to “shut your n—– mouth.”
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