Aaron Stefanski (pictured left) and Jessica Clark (pictured) were apprehended by police for allegedly strapping four children to the hood of their car and then driving away after they left a liquor store Monday evening, reports WANE News.
The Fort Wayne, Ind., couple were spotted by someone who summoned 911, when they spotted the vehicle as it was exiting the parking lot of the liquor store. According to witnesses, the children were strapped across their legs and were squirming as if they wanted to get out but didn’t know how.
One witness Bonita Gorsuch told WANE News, “I couldn’t believe it! I told the people in the car, ‘Don’t do that!” Another man, Tom Nowak, who was appalled by the spectacle chimed in by stating, “They were all drunk. They were all high, or whatever. They’ve got babies on a car! That’s not nice,” he said.
Luckily, a U.S. Marshall spotted the children at an intersection, stopped the vehicle, and detained Stefanski until police arrived on the scene. When the officers arrived, they discovered that 29-year-old Stefanski, who is the Father of three of the children, had been driving under the influence of alcohol and charged him with three counts of operating while intoxicated and one count of neglect of a dependent. Clark, 29, a passenger in the vehicle and the Mother of one of the children, was charged with one count of neglect of a dependent.
Police said when they arrested Stefanski that he was crying and stating that the entire incident was a joke; he reportedly thought the kids were having fun.
The children, ages 4, 5, 6 and 7, were uninjured, but the Department of Children Services assisted the police investigators at the scene.
Gorsuch, who is still in disbelief after the incident, is thankful that none of the children were seriously injured, “I didn’t particularly think they would like to be an ornament on the car. They were scared being strapped up there. It was very dangerous. It was really a sad thing because they could have been killed.”
The Mother of the three children was contacted by WANE News, and she was reportedly shocked by her ex-husband’s dangerous antics. She told reporters that Stefanski had the children on visitation at the time.
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